An electric waste collection vehicle will be in service on the streets of Toowoomba after an almost 12-month manufacturing period, with Volvo Trucks building it from the ground up for J.J. Richards specifically to service the Toowoomba Region.
The electric waste vehicle has been trialled around the streets of Toowoomba over the past few weeks and will be put into service tomorrow by J.J. Richards as part of their renewed waste management contract with Toowoomba Regional Council.
Toowoomba Region Waste portfolio Councillor, Cr Melissa Taylor, said the new electric truck was a welcome addition to the J.J. Richards Toowoomba Region waste collection fleet.
“An electric vehicle in service collecting waste from around the Toowoomba Region is in direct alignment with Council’s sustainability focus right across the organisation,” Cr Taylor said.
“As part of the recently signed contract with J.J. Richards, Council required innovative solutions for waste collection. This solution reduces operational costs, increases flexibility in the service offered and is better for the environment.
“This vehicle, while achieving significant fuel and emission reductions, is also servicing parks and inner CBD sites that are difficult to access, which is a real win for the community.
“TRC strives to be innovative in all that we do and there’s no doubt an electric waste collection vehicle achieves that goal as part of the contract with J.J. Richards.”
Caption: Cr Melissa Taylor (above) and fellow Toowoomba Region Councillors, below, inspect the new electric waste collection vehicle.